

Synbrand GmbH


June 2017



Maxon Cinema 4D
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Softimage
Otoy Octane
Mootzoid emPolygonizer5
Adobe Aftereffects

additional credits

The manufacturer of special lubricants for the industrial sector commissioned my client with the production of two exhibition films with a rather high level of information, to highlight the advantages and the production steps of these specific greases.  I designed an environment that was visually based on the CI of the customer: an industrial hall, which I enriched with partly self-made, partly commercially available models and which would also be suitable as an environment for future projects. For the implementation of the desired fluid simulations, I used the already discontinued software Autodesk Softimage/Lagoa. Follow-up productions, in which the use of lubricants in the automotive sector was to be shown, could be completed in a relatively short time thanks to the thoroughly created environment.

KLÜBER PFPE Lubrications


Klüber PFPE Lubrication 1/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 2/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 3/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 4/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 5/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 6/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 7/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 8/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 9/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 10/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 1/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 2/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 3/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 4/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 5/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 6/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 7/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 8/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 9/10

Klüber PFPE Lubrication 10/10

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