Jörg Faßbender | Freelance 3D Artist


Product viz, med viz or arch viz: CGI can get you a photo-realistic look at your product long before it hits the shelf. Ask me how I can help!


Motion tells a story, a still-frame never could, it conveys emotion and can explain complex issues. Reach out to make use of that!


Need something integrated in footage? I provide everything from set-supervision and tracking of your shots to the final compositing.


VR, AR, Games: I can help you with the creation of your performance optimized digital assets. Get in touch with any questions you might have!


I provide 3D-animations and visualizations from
concept to final compositing.

Take a look at some examples and get in touch!
Jörg Faßbender | Senior 3D Artist
I am a Munich based freelance 3D Artist, using CGI to create high-quality visualizations and animations for my clients.

Starting with my employment at a 2D/3D-animation studio in late 2006 as a 3D Artist, I was able to learn the industry standard of efficiently producing outstanding visual effects and animations for commercials, feature films and product visualizations from the bottom up. Early 2013 I decided to go freelance and since then could expand my portfolio with assignments on medical- and architectural visualization, exhibition design, explainer videos, motion graphics and services like look development or vfx set supervision for a lot of well-named studios and clients, such as Adidas, Dallmayr, Zeiss, Audi or BMW.

With 18+ years of experience in the industry I can support my customers with their projects during every step of the way. As a 3D generalist with a strong technical background due to earlier years working as a freelance web-designer, I pay attention to a clean, organized workflow and utilize automation through scripting where possible to maximize pipeline efficiency and keep costs as low as possible during development.

I like to use specific software for specific tasks in the pipeline rather than specialize on a single tool. Each software has its own strengths and weaknesses regarding efficient workflows and I try to make use of them wherever possible and keep up with current trends and developments. For a list of available software knowledge and tools I use, please see below.

For a detailed CV or a first cost assessment of your project or idea, feel free to contact me.


Remote work preferred due to own optimized hardware and work space. On-site work on projects with sensitive data is possible of course.


Optimized Hardware, large amount of software licenses available on demand.

For a complete list, see below.


Thanks to a high-output solar plant installed by grn.solar, energy consumption can be cut down considerably on sunny days for reduced carbon emission.

Maxon Cinema 4D
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk 3DS Max
Autodesk Softimage
Unreal 5
Autodesk Mudbox
Adobe Substance
Maxon ZBrush
Otoy Octane
Chaosgroup VRay
Adobe Aftereffects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Illustrator
Andersson Tech. Syntheyes
Pixelfarm PFTrack
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PERSONAL | Vintage gramophone 1/7

Description of the workflow of creating the vintage gramophone 3d-asset - as seen in my showreel intro - while getting…

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Jörg Faßbender |

Freelance 3D Artist


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